Save Dan

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Day 139

Things are not going so well.

Let's recap the companies I've met with thus far in my unemployment ordeal:

  • Company A: Was bought out by their rivals, and thus no new hires.
  • Company B: After several rounds of interviews, during which it was made clear to me that the company was NOT looking for a project manager with a programming background, the company decided to change the position and look for a project manager with a programming background.
  • Company C: Went through several rounds of interviews before the company underwent a management overhaul. The recruiter I've been working with has had no new news for me, and today I say on that the company has posted an ad for the position I interviewed for over a month ago.
  • Company D: Really liked me, according to the recruiters. So much that in the interview they brought in another department head as there was another position I might be interested in. Ultimately decided I was not the right fit.
  • Company E: First interview is this upcoming Monday. We'll see what happens.
  • Company F: Out of state company located in New Orleans. Seemed excited to see my resume and my e-mail interview responses. Ultimately decided to go with a local candidate.

Not included are the hundreds of positions I've applied for. I've varied my cover letter, varied my resumes, all to no avail. I've hit,,,, and more. I've submitted my resume to Temp agencies to get something going so I can at least have a little income. I've sent my resume to friends and family, in hopes that someone may know someone who may have a job for me.


And now it's June 16th. My rent will be due on July 1st, and as it stands I'm not going to have enough to cover it, even with my unemployment checks. Then there are my utilities, and those extraneous things like food and toiletries.

Oh, and to top it all off? Seems I owe some back taxes to the tune of somewhere between $5,000 and $7,000. Payment due immediately.

Next step is an attempt to sell more of my belongings in the hopes that somehow I can make up enough money to at least get through this month.


  • Please, please, please tell me you actually have a better resume than you pointed us to in your january entry?

    Something that actually is readable and provides the list of technologies and buzz words you're average techie interviewer is looking for?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:23 PM  

  • The resume linked to in January was a bastardized HTML version of my real resume, which is a lot easier to read.

    As for the buzzwords and technologies, I use those buzzwords (especially in my newer position-targetted resumes) that apply specifically to the positions I'm looking to fill. However, if you've some further advice on what you'd do to fix my resume please let me know -- I'm completely open to suggestions!

    By Blogger Dan A, at 1:36 PM  

  • Walmart, McDonalds, Retail, Dish Washer: You need ANY job, not just the comfy 401k $30,000+ a year job. Get a crap job to get some money, and look for another job in the meantime.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:58 PM  

  • Execept that working at Walmart, McDonalds, Retail, or as a Dish Washer would pay less than the NYS unemployment checks that I'm currently receiving, so none of those would really help.

    I am looking at a return to waiting tables or bartending as an option though.

    (And just FYI, $30,000+ is hardly comfy in NYC)

    By Blogger Dan A, at 2:32 PM  

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